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Daycare policies

                                                                                House Rules


The children will be taught by example here, to have respect for themselves and each other.  They will also be taught to respect my home, property and possessions.


Any negative behavior will not be allowed.  This includes but is not limited to; hitting, punching, kicking, biting, standing or jumping on furniture, throwing anything in the house, stealing, bad language, etc.  This behavior will be grounds for immediate termination.




I will strive to promote positive reinforcement for good behavior.  Should negative behavior happen, I will deal with it in one of three ways.

Redirection:  Toddlers will simply be told “no” and redirected to another activity or area.

Talking:  Once a child reaches the age of two they can be talked to.  They will be told in age appropriate terms why the behavior is unacceptable.  Typically, this is highly effective.

Time-Out:  Should the behavior continue, the child will be place in a time out area.  I will use the one minute per years of age rule.

Should this behavior continue after a few time outs, a parent conference will be held to determine how to proceed.  If there are excessive behavioral issues, the provider reserves the right to terminate the daycare contract.


                                           Drop Off/Pick Up


Please arrive on time that is prearranged in your contract.  If you will be late for either drop off or pick up, let me know as soon as possible so I may adjust my schedule if need be. 

All children over the age of 12 months are expected to arrive fully dressed and ready for the day.  Do not bring your children in pajamas.

At the moment you walk in to pick up, you are in charge of your child(ren).  Sometimes children will “test” to see who is really in charge.  A child who has been well behaved all day will suddenly bounce all over the place when a parent arrives.  The respect that you show me, my home and my possessions will speak volumes to your child.  If myself, my home or my possessions are repeatedly disrespected, I reserve the right to terminate the contract.

When you drop off or pick up, do not linger.  Ten minutes is typically more than sufficient.  During daycare hours I have a job to do.  If you need to talk to me, we can schedule a time that is mutually convenient. 

You must have your child secured in an age and size appropriate child safety seat or I am mandated to report you to the authorities!!!




I am paid weekly or biweekly, depending on your contract.  Fees are expected in advance, no later than the first morning of service.

If you arrive before or after your scheduled pick up or drop off times, an early or late fee of $20.00 per 15 minute intervals, per child will be charged.  Fees are to be paid immediately.

I do NOT accept personal checks.  

Fees are to be paid whether your child attends daycare or not.

I require a two-week written notice if you decide to terminate my daycare services.  If two weeks written notice is not given, you must pay the remaining two weeks tuition.

There are a limited number of spaces available therefore; weekly payments are not based on the child’s attendance.  No refunds are given for late arrivals/early departures, parental vacations or exclusion due to illness.

In the event that the responsible party fails to pay for childcare services, said party will be taken to court.  If the responsible party is taken to court due to non-payment of services, they will be responsible for court costs, interests, as well as late charges that will continue to accrue at the rate of $35.00 a day.  Their child may not return until all fees are paid in full.




Your child’s safety is paramount.  I am a Maryland state certified EMT-B, First Aid and CPR certified and have worked in the healthcare setting with over 15 years of experience.  All outlets in the daycare areas have outlet covers and areas that are not daycare rooms have child locks on the doorknobs.  I have more smoke detectors than the state requires for my home and have over 25 years’ experience in firefighting and fire prevention.  I have an extensive First Aid Kit that is stocked for any situation.  Fire drills and evacuation drills are performed monthly with documentation.




Please Do Not send your child to daycare in “dress clothes”.  Although I try my best to keep the children clean, even in the best of circumstances, accidents happen.  Please send them in play clothes only.

Make sure your child has a complete change of clothing that is season appropriate here in their cubby, including underwear and socks.  It is your responsibility to make sure that your child always has a change of clothes here.

Please make sure your child has the appropriate outerwear for that day’s weather forecast.  You are welcome to leave a light jacket in their cubby.

During the winter months, please make sure your child has the appropriate clothing as we will still do outdoor activities, weather permitting.  This includes a coat, snow pants, boots, mittens and hat.  If your child does not have the appropriate clothing they will not be permitted to play outside.  If you would like to leave spare winter clothes in their cubby, that is acceptable.


                                      Mandated Reporting


Under Maryland State Law, I am a mandated reporter.  All providers must report suspected physical abuse, sexual abuse, psychological abuse or neglect of a child to the proper authorities.


                                             Quiet Time


Every day between the hours of 1:00-3:00, we have quiet time.  All younger children will lay down to rest.  Older children will be given quiet time activities.  Please do not visit, call or text during this time unless there is an emergency.

Your child may bring a special blanket or stuffed animal for quiet time.  Your child is not allowed to bring anything else into the daycare setting.  No toys, electronics, candy, snacks, money, etc.


                                          Meals & Snacks


All food served during the day will include servings from each basic food group as specified by the United States Department of Agriculture.

Breakfast will be served between 7:30-8:30am.  If you will be arriving later than 8:15 am, please make sure your child has breakfast prior to arrival.

Lunch is served between 11:30am-1:00pm

PM snack is served at 3:00pm


Any bottles, formula or specialty foods brought from home must be clearly labeled with the child’s name.

It is your responsibility to inform me of any allergies your child has prior to enrollment.


On occasion we may go on field trips in the truck.  Also, I may need to transport a child in a medical emergency.  Although I have some extra seats here, it will be the parent’s responsibility to leave the child safety seat on days that we have planned trips, which will require your written permission.  All vehicles are properly registered and insured.  Your child will never be left unattended in a vehicle.


                                            Sick Policy


I will notify you immediately should your child develop any of the following symptoms; any temp of 99.8ºF or over, vomiting, diarrhea, any rash other than a mild diaper rash or heat related rash, or any other sign of infection.

Should your child develop any of these symptoms, you or an emergency contact are expected to pick your child up within 30 minutes.  You will also be called at my discretion should your child appear to be uncomfortable, regardless of whether symptoms have appeared.

Your child is not permitted to return to daycare until they have been symptom free for over 24 hours without medication.  Any child who has a virus or bacterial infection must have a medical doctor note from their pediatrician.  Notes from an urgent care doctor are not acceptable.  I reserve the right to override a doctors note at my discretion!

Any child(ren) with any stage of head lice will not be permitted to return without a doctor note from their pediatrician stating that the lice have been successfully treated.




No child will be permitted to attend Kids Central Daycare without all of the CDC recommended immunizations including the flu vaccine.  If your child is late receiving an immunization, they will not be permitted to attend daycare until the immunization has been administered and I receive a record.  I have a child with a compromised immune system due to a kidney transplant.  Her health is my first priority. Please have all vaccinations scheduled for a Friday afternoon as your child should be absent from daycare for at least 24 hours afterwards.




All medications must be in the original container with the child’s name, date and dosage on the label. Permission slips, supplied by the provider, must be completed for each medication. No more than one (1) dose will be given while in care. 




Each child will be provided with a safe, comfortable sleeping space with separate bedding.  Infants will sleep in their designated pack and play.  Infants will be placed to sleep on their backs in accordance with the recommended guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics.  If your infant needs to sleep on their stomach, you must obtain a written statement from your child’s specialist.




Occasionally, there may be a reason for your child to be transported by vehicle or to be cared for by a substitute provider during their time at Day Care. As much notice as possible will be given in either event. Safety seats and or seat belts will be used at all times while being transported. The substitute for this Family Day Care home is registered with the Office of Child Care Licensing and Regulation and the Department of Human Resources.



                       IN THE EVENT OF A MEDICAL EMERGENCY


You authorize me to act in accordance with the EMT-B protocols set forward by the state of Maryland to treat your child, and contact EMS if I deem necessary.

                                       Authorized Persons


Unless the name of the person picking your child(ren) up is listed on the emergency form, your child will not be released to them unless A.) prior written arrangements have been made AND B.) The person shows a valid, state issued identification.  If I have any suspicions, I will call HPD.


                                         Parent Visitation


You not only have the right, but you are encouraged to stop in during your child’s daycare hours.  My only request is that you do not visit during Quiet Time.  As you know, a child’s schedule is extremely important.




This is not only a daycare, it is my home and I keep it smoke free 24 hours a day.


                                          Daycare Forms


All forms (including immunization records) must be completed any returned prior to admittance into the daycare program.  All weekly fees must be paid prior to the start of care in any given week.  If forms are not completed or fees are not paid, no care will be provided.


                                         Television Policy


Children under the age of two will not be permitted to view any passive technology.  This includes non-interactive television, videos, and streaming media.  Children two and older will not be permitted to view more than 30 minutes of age-appropriate educational passive technology per week.  An occasional exception to the weekly passive technology viewing limit may be made for a special event or project, including a holiday or birthday celebration, or for educational content that is related to the curriculum.  A detailed written record of any exceptions will be made.




The following days are paid holidays for the provider:

            New Year’s Eve / New Year’s Day                     Presidents Day

            Easter Monday                                               Memorial Day                                                                                                                       July 4th (weekday before or after)                   Labor Day                                                                                                                            Veterans Day                                                 Thanksgiving Day / Day After                                                                                                  Christmas Eve / Christmas Day (weekday before or after)


Provider’s vacations are: 2 weeks throughout the year, with payment due and the option for a third week without pay.  My vacations are scheduled by calendar year.  I will give as much notice as possible, however; if there is a family emergency or illness, I also have 5 personal days, 5 sick days and 5 bereavement days if needed. If your family takes vacation, payment to provider is still due in order to secure the slot for your child.

                                         Potty Training


I will be more than happy to assist with potty training provided that it is not done before the child is ready.  Parents are asked to initiate the training at your home (on vacation or long weekend) before starting it at daycare.  Once training is initiated AND I feel as though we can be successful, parents are to supply pull-ups, not before.  Should you discontinue potty training at home, please let me know and make sure to re-supply diapers.  If a child shows no interest in potty training, we may choose to discontinue and try again at a later date.  Cloth underpants are not permitted under any circumstances until your child has remained completely continent in a pull up for at least 2 weeks.


                                        Tax Information


I will supply you with a year-end summary of all childcare fees paid during the year for tax purposes after you supply me with the required W-10.   If your child is no longer enrolled in childcare here, if you wish for a summary of fees YOU will need to contact me by phone in January to make arrangements to come get the form.  I will not mail any tax informoration.


                                                                   Parent Conduct


Kids Central strives to provide a safe, healthy, and homelike environment for your child.  We can’t do that without your help. It is expected that each parent speak kindly of other children and parents while in the daycare environment. If there is an issue that you would like to discuss, please let me know so that we may schedule a conference to discuss your concerns, without little ears being present. My priorities are the children in my care. If at any time I feel as though you are, or will, say or do something that may negatively impact any child in my care, I can and will notify whomever I deem necessary. I will remind you that I am a State mandated reporter, and that is a responsibility I take very seriously. Abuse is not strictly physical; it can be emotional or psychological as well. There have been cases in the state of Maryland that have required the testimony of the daycare provider. If I should ever be called to testify, rest assured that I WILL testify and I WILL be completely honest regarding all parties involved. My concern is for your child, and the other children in my care. I have unfortunately seen too many children on the worst day of their lives, so if there is anything I can do to protect them from harm or negativity, I will!



                                     State Of Emergency


During a declared State of Emergency, Kids Central will only be open to First Responders who are actually working.




                  Unforeseen Circumstances/War Time/Pandemic


In the event that a catastrophic event occurs that impacts daily life and I am able to remain open, First Responders children will take precedence, then Essential Personnel.  If there is a health or safety issue, there will be updated protocols given to parent to address each issue accordingly.  Tuition will be required to secure your child’s enrollment regardless of whether or not I am open.  I take these potential scenarios very seriously and prepare accordingly.  I keep large amounts of water and food on site and I have a solar back up and battery in case electricity is lost.  Your child may be safer here than anywhere else.




      All rate changes may be reviewed and/or increased on Jan 1 of each year.




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